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Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - By Andrew - No comments
SeeClickFix Welcomes Bonner Gaylord!
SeeClickFix would like to welcome our newest client, Raleigh City Councilor Bonner Gaylord!Councilor Gaylord started using SeeClickFix as part of his efforts to engage with the citizens of District E in Raleigh. On his website, he extols the potential of new tools like SeeClickFix to foster positive interactions between citizens and local governments. "Technology allows us to shift into a whole new era of citizen involvement and governmental transparency. I want to do all I can to facilitate that shift."
In fact, by signing up to use SeeClickFix Pro, Coucilor Gaylord put himself at the forefront of a movement to increase the responsiveness and accessibility of our governments. With the rest of North Carolina watching what's going on in "a 21st century city like Raleigh" with great interest, we hope that more citizens and governments will follow Councilor Gaylord's example and decide to get involved!
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