Thursday, February 13, 2014 - By Unknown - 1 comment Launches in beta on top of the SeeClickFix platform. Roooar!!!

Last week launched in private beta with newly knighted Yetis signing on their friends and neigbors to volunteer shoveling assistance to the elderly, injured and disabled.

The day after Snowcrew went into private beta Yetis were called into action in New Jersey. Nancy Tilford asked for help shoveling in Sussex County. Seven Yetis rushed to her and her husband's aid validating the Snowcrew platform and prompting the tool out of private beta into beta. There are still known bugs that the Snowcrew team is squashing but you can start growing your grew. 374 Yetis have signed up in the last few days and today Snowcrew announces its beta launch.

If you are physically unable to shovel and need assistance please sign-up for Snowcrew to request assistance from a neighbor. If you want to help out today in the storm you can bring up and find requests nearby from neighbors who need a hand. Every new user is given an ordered Yeti id and a referral link that you can share to help build your crew. More features to come but Snowcrew hopes you enjoy this early release.

We're very excited about this civic expansion on top of the SeeClickFix platform. If you want to build an app on top of the SeeClickFix API contact us and we'll help you get started.

The New Haven Register has a bit more of the Story on Snowcrew thanks to Helen Harvey, Staff Writer at the Register.


  1. The best sounds ever is the Yeti Roooar!

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