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Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - By Anonymous - No comments
The Financial Times Writing on SeeClickFix!
Today we were excited to find two interesting pieces of news relating to SeeClickFix--both of which were in the same publication. Writing about ways cities have modernized while simultaneously finding smarter ways to spend budget in the wake of the 2007 financial crisis, Shannon Bond writes for Financial Times about SeeClickFix as a tool for Bostonians:
“Traditional technology targeted at cities is extremely expensive,” says Nigel Jacob, co-head of Boston’s office of new urban mechanics, the city’s research and development group. “For small to medium-sized cities there is the need for something lightweight that doesn’t cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, that is easy to use – that is very much like a web app.”Including quotes from an interview performed with our very own CEO & Co-Founder, Ben Berkowitz:
“In some cases cities are saving money on customer service,” he says. “In many it is just allowing them to provide customer service in an age where it is expected. If the city didn’t do this kind of thing, that administration would not stay in office. People, anywhere in the world, expect feedback loops for speaking out.”Read the whole article here.
Public officials also point to broader social benefits from the company’s services. “They build community,” Boston’s Jacob says.” You see conversations happening on SeeClickFix that you just don’t on standard government tech platforms.”
On top of this great article we highly encourage you to read, we got a second surprise/delight by a quick mention in another Financial Times article, "Crisis-stricken cities can fight back with ingenious solutions":
Over in New Haven – once famed for its arms manufacturing and, of course, Yale University – SeeClickFix presents another urban action scheme, in this case to report and repair minor urban irritations, such as potholes and broken street lamps. This is very much in the model of New York’s broken window experiment (fixing vandalised infrastructure to deter further criminal damage). A neglected-looking city attracts crime and decay faster than one that appears pristine.
Read the whole article here.
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