Thursday, March 25, 2010 - By zak - 1 comment

WashPosted, StreetBlogged, & HuffPosted

This week has been full of media mentions for SeeClickFix by big name publications; yesterday there were three. The Washington Post picked up a story from (a Maryland news site) about how important SeeClickFix was during Maryland's massive snowstorms this winter.

The article reports that Natalie Cantor, director of the Mid-County Regional Services Center for Montgomery County, MD, regularly uses the site to browse for issues and direct them to the appropriate department. "Anybody anywhere can look at SeeClickFix, and people's comments become available to the entire world... It keeps everybody on their toes and in contact with each other," she said.
In New York, The StreetsBlog wrote about how SCF is used in Philly, New haven, Boston, NYC and San Fran. "We know that it can be much bigger than 311 in New York," Ben told the blogger.

And on the Huff Post, in a post titled "Government Must Give a ****" (that first * stands for an 'f') tech blogger Christina Gagnier railed against government insensitivity to citizen demands. She said that if governments try to become high-tech and interactive without showing their citizens that they care, the new products won't accomplish much. On the other hand, "Civic iPhone applications like SeeClickFix work because their users feel like the city government actually cares when that pothole finally gets filled," Gagnier wrote.

And Gagnier's advice for this year's mid-term election season?

"Candidates, you want a winning November election strategy? Act like you give a ****."


  1. Anonymous says:

    Not that it's any less relevant, but the Streetsblog article is actually from last year.

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