Sunday, May 24, 2009 - By Unknown - No comments

The Miami Herald is Launching SeeClickFix in their site.

The Herald created a watch area for the Department of Public Works in Coral Gables, Fla and is embedding SeeClickFix in their site.
We are excited to see SeeClickFix get started in this part of Florida as there is already a very active Florida Department of Transportation Fixer who is not only responding to issues related to her department but also forwarding issues they are not responsible onto others responsible for the public space.
The article in today's Herald tells of support for this tool from local government as well:

Gables Public Works Director Alberto Delgado said he welcomed comments and input from residents.
''This makes it easier for us to know about situations out there that we may not be immediately aware of,'' Delgado said.

The article also gives a glimpse of why major media properties are finding SeeClickFix to be a powerful tool for their users:

Rick Hirsch, senior editor for multimedia at The Herald, said the paper was starting the pilot program in Coral Gables and plans to expand to other cities.

''This is a great tool for community residents and local government to use digital tools to solve the annoying headaches of urban life,'' Hirsch said.

''It gives citizens the power to point out problems quickly and without a bunch of phone calls, forms or red tape. And it enables people in government to fix small problems quickly with taxpayers as their eyes and ears,'' Hirsch said.

Read the article


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