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Friday, May 1, 2009 - By Unknown - No comments
Achievment First 2'nd graders SeeClickFix Brooklyn
SeeClickFix was invited to Ms. Berkowitz's Class in Brooklyn to talk about SeeClickFix and do some seeing and clicking with the kids.
The kids told me how Marty Markowitz was the Borough President in Brooklyn and I explained to them that that meant that Marty worked for them and we should tell Marty about the things they wanted him to help fix. We created a watch area for Mr. Markowitz so that when the kids and other Brooklynites reported issues he would be alerted.
Before I arrived the kids had gone out and documented the things they wanted fixed and how they might fix them and why they should be fixed.
Among the popular Clickets: Potholes, Cigarettes on the ground, Speeding Cars, and Dog Poop(picture 30 giggling children and adult)
Some kids suggested that construction workers could fix the problem or Marty Markowitz could fix them or they could call 311 or as prompted: seeclickfix.
Also in true SeeClickFix spirit the kids said that they could tell people not to litter or ask them to pick-up after their dogs.
We proceeded to document some of the issues and I hear that a few of the kids went home and reported more issues.
All and all it was great to see kids take such and active caring role in the outside space around them. More classrooms to come? We hope so.
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