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Friday, May 20, 2011 - By Anonymous - No comments
A Crowdsourced Tree Canopy
Here in the Elm City, the Yale Urban Resources Initiative (URI) and the City of New Haven are in the midst of a campaign that aims to restore a diminishing tree canopy, while simultaneously benefiting our community in countless ways. The Tree Haven 10k is an effort to plant 10,000 trees citywide by 2014. The URI website explains how accomplishing this ambitious goal is possible.
Achieving this vision of protecting and enhancing New Haven't tree canopy will require both a public and private participation, as residents control the largest percentage of the city's tree canopy. The TreeHaven 10K campaign aims to match 5,000 trees planted on public lands by GreenSkills interns with 5,000 trees planted on private land by homeowners and major institutions. Together, the goal of 10,000 trees is well within reach.

SeeClickFix CEO Ben Berkowitz reported Issue #10612 - Street Trees Needed and Issue #1441 - Trees Needed, to draw attention to areas in his neighborhood that he saw needed some tree TLC. With the help of the URI, the SeeClickFix team will be planting new trees this summer, adding to the Tree Haven 10k tree canopy map!

Can your community stand to be a little more green? Tell us about it! Report an issue to SeeClickFix showing your community where you'd like to see more trees planted, then leave it as a comment here or tweet it to us @seeclickfix!
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