Friday, November 1, 2013 - By Anonymous - 4 comments

Broken Windows & SeeClickFix

As you could imagine, overlapping seven years of crime incident reports and SeeClickFix service requests in the city of New Haven yielded some interesting results. The map below was generated by DataHaven for a presentation this week at the latest in a series of Civic Hack Meet-up hosted by SeeClickFix.

Wilson and Kelling published their famous "Broken Windows" theory back in March 1982, which suggests there is a direct correlation between urban disarray and crime. After conducting a number of interesting social experiments (in both the Bronx and Palo Alto) they go on to state that maintaining and monitoring urban environments can play a key role in curbing the escalation of vandalism into more serious crime. Seven years worth of data seems to suggest a similar pattern.


  1. Moderator says:

    Please see and for additional maps, and discussion of the relationships between crime & neighborhood social capital in New Haven.

  2. Unknown says:

    Its really interesting that Howard Avenue and Sherman Avenue where crime is high SCF reports are lower. Would anybody be interested in helping with a guerilla marketing campaign to increase usage in those areas? Who knows...maybe crime will drop.

  3. Responding to your tweet, Ben, I'd be down to help out with this.

  4. Unknown says:

    Awesome Alex, we have another couple of takers so far. Looking like week after next. Would you be up for an in person or would you join remotely?

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