Thursday, July 5, 2012 - By Anonymous - 2 comments

Knope Award: David Streever, New Haven Connecticut

We decided to recognize a neighbor of our's with this month's Knope Award, Transportation Advocate David Streever.  This makes sense for an avid cyclist like our buddy Streever.  He can regularly be seen cruising around New Haven on his bike, and likes to point out potholes that could endanger fellow riders with SeeClickFix.  David is so busy with his community work and with cycling that hasn't even had the chance to tune into Parks and Rec, the inspiration for the Knope Award.  When we told him the name of the great honor he was receiving, he replied, "This is a TV thing, right?" Yes, David, yes it is.

Keep up the great work, Streever!

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your responsibilities:

I'm a transportation advocate, which means I try to keep the city on task with building better infrastructure for all road users. Agitation, petitions, sitting down and talking about projects, listening to road users, and encouraging people to speak up are all part of this.

What attracted you about Public Service?

I had a really optimistic vision of New Haven--some would call it naive ;-)--when I first came here. My impression was that if you saw a problem, you could identify the problem, propose some solid solutions, and see real change occur. This was the primary point of interest.

How does SeeClickFix fit into your job?

SeeClickFix gives me direct information about citizen complaints and city problems. Obviously, not everyone is using the internet for these issues, so it can't be my only source, but it is a big source. I use it even for odd things like double-checking the name of the street that a bike lane is on in Fair Haven--I know that if I search for bike lane, I'm going to see some discussion on it!

What is your favorite thing about Leslie Knope/Parks and Rec?

This is a TV thing, right? Sorry! I don't own one and I'm really out of date on these things.


  1. e says:

    Bravo, David! Keep up the great work!

  2. Liz says:

    Nice award, but can I seeclickfix the punctuation on "our's"? Please, no apostrophe. Thank you.

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