Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - By Michael - 1 comment

Update: Help Improve an Intersection in New Haven

SeeClickFix users have helped improve a dangerous intersection in New Haven. Last month, there was a post on the SCF blog about the intersection of Livingston and Edwards Streets because the issue received so much attention within hours of being posted. Users noted the limited visibility for drivers caused by illegal parking and said that speeding cars only worsened the problem by placing more pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers at risk.

The City of New Haven has responded, and a speed table will be added to the intersection of Livingston and Edwards Streets.

As City Engineer Dick Miller (left) explains in the New Haven Independent, the street will be
raised about six inches to slow traffic at the intersection. The City will also add bump outs (which extend the curb further out into the street in order to slow down turning vehicles and reduce the amount of time it takes for pedestrians to cross). Lastly, according to the Independent, "The intersection will also feature planted medians, textured and multicolored crosswalks, and yellow-patterned paving" along with newly planted trees. The City hopes that drivers will see all of these changes as "visual cues" to proceed through the intersection more carefully, in addition to the other infrastructure changes mentioned above.

For more information about how speed tables have worked elsewhere, check out Mark Abraham's post on this improvement on the New Haven Safe Streets Blog. As Mark points out, not only do speed tables calm traffic, but they can also help increase the sense of community in the area by making the street a more inviting place.

Great work by our users, the City of New Haven, and the New Haven Independent.

See the original post below:

In just a couple of hours, an issue reported in New Haven's East Rock neighborhood has attracted over 60 views, 7 votes, and several comments. The issue: limited visibility turning onto Edwards Street from Livingston Street due to illegally parked cars.

So far, a number of solutions have been suggested. Among them are increased parking enforcement in the current no standing zone, or changing the intersection to add bump-outs, bollards, a roundabout, curb extensions, or converting it to a raised intersection.

What do you think? How can the City of New Haven improve this problem?

(Photo: Thomas MacMillan/
New Haven Independent)


  1. Moderator says:

    This project will build community, too:

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