Server Issues
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - By Unknown - No comments
What makes SeeClickFix different than traditional 311 systems?
What makes SeeClickFix different than traditional 311 systems?
This is a question that has been asked of us over the past few months and it deserves a response.
1. City 311 systems are just that, a way to communicate with the city. SeeClickFix acts on the assumption that there are others along with city hall responsible for keeping the public space up to snuff and allows anyone to be alerted to issues and close issues.
2. In a traditional 311 system communication on an issue occurs between reporter and the city employee responsible for fixing. In a traditional 311 system a reported issue can not be viewed by the general public. On SeeClickFix communication on an issue occurs between the reporter and the entire community of watchers and visitors to the site who may also include the city employee responsible for fixing. On SeeClickFix everyone can view the reported issue and comment on it as well as select that they want the item fixed also.
SeeClickFix creates accountability and responsiveness through transparency.
3. 311 systems are typically designed for individual municipalities and do not collaborate with their peers. See Click Fix is intended for global use and allows for global collaboration on universal local issues.
4. SeeClickFix has free features for every citizen available now. No need to wait until your town has the money and/or time to spend installing a 311 system. According to our research only ~100 towns in the US have 311 systems.