Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - By Miles - 4 comments

The Digital Divide

We have now crossed the digital divide. When some people hear about SeeClickFix they wonder how those without a computer can report issues. Today we introduce a new feature for SeeClickFix. I have jokingly dubbed it "SeeCallIt". You now can call in your issues to 877.853.1552 and we'll enter it on the website.

I'm also excited about the new feature because anyone can use it from their cell phone. So, program it into your phone memory now and the next time you see an issue, you can call it into us. Look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Brett says:

    How about a text messaging gateway? That way, the 'entry' of the text would be done for you.

    -- Brett

  2. Miles says:

    We've been talking about such a feature. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this quickly and inexpensively? We welcome the comments and ideas.

  3. Brett says:

    Mile - I'm not certain of all the pros and cons, but perhaps you could set up an email alias that feeds input into a script, and have users make use of the SMS to email gateways (see ). You'd probably want to build some form of controls to prevent random spam (maybe even locking down to certain types of address, or some form of registration).

    Perhaps GPS coordinates could be used to locate, too? That way, if you could read off the lat/long from the gps system, you'd have the exact point to plot on the google map. I'm not very familiar with GPS systems, though, so I'm not certain what sorts of information are generally provided.

    -- Brett

  4. janna says:

    Congratulations--what a fabulous idea!

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