Friday, June 15, 2012 - By Anonymous - No comments


Love this story, via College Station, Texas:

"A few weeks ago, a resident used SeeClickFix to request the removal of a diseased tree in Brison Park. The next day, a Parks and Recreation Department crew discovered that a large limb had fallen off the sick tree, revealing a partially hollow interior. A peek inside revealed that the tree may have been hollow, but it was certainly not empty. A family of owls had taken up residence and seemed to be doing quite well, thank you.

Displacing the young family from its cozy home wasn’t an attractive option, so the soft-hearted city crew chose to leave the shabby tree – and its feathered occupants – alone for now. When the resident learned why his request would not be resolved, he chuckled and said we’d hear no more 'screeching and hooting” about it from him.'"

This is a pretty adorable story to end the week on.  It's also a great example of how SeeClickFix opens up the lines of communication between citizens and governments.  Without SeeClickFix as a common medium for interaction, this citizen may have just assumed that their concern was disregarded or lost in some bureaucratic shuffle.  In this case, the Park's Department made a reasonable judgement, and they were able to easily explain their course of action.  Although this is mainly just a fun story about some wayward owls, it's also a good representation of the civic spirit that can be fostered by the Gov 2.0 movement.


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