Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - By Andrew - No comments

Issue # 1300 & the Tomlinson Bridge Protest

For over two years now, this issue has been garnering attention and generating debate on SeeClickFix. Now, some active SeeClickFixers have decided that the time has come to take a stand and protest months of inaction! The following "informal press release by a concerned citizen," written by Juli Stupakevich, was posted to the issue yesterday afternoon:

Concerning the Tomlinson Bridge Railroad crossing, I've proposed a protest in regards to the lack of progress on this intensely dangerous situation.

-numerous documented injuries spanning two years (some of them severe, even by experienced cyclists, i.e. a broken femur)
-being the only crossing between East Haven and New Haven, making it a highly-travelled route by cyclists
-being listed on the Official Bike Route of New Haven
-being listed on the East Coast Greenway Trail Route
-acknowledgement of the severity of the problem by the City of New Haven's Traffic and Parking Dept. and City Engineer

The only proposed solution by the P&W Railroad is to post signs warning cyclists of the presence of the tracks. This is an unacceptable solution.

We demand:
-speedy installation of flange way fillers for a short term solution before another person is needlessly injured
-consideration of bike lanes and narrowed travel lanes for a long term solution to connect New Haven to East Haven

Monday July 12th at 5:30 pm
Tuesday July 13th at 5:00 pm (for those who will be absent due to the regularly scheduled Elm City Cycling Meeting at City Hall)

Round two of the Tomlinson Bridge Protest goes down tonight, and we would love to see the crossing jam-packed with fixers calling for a change! For more information about the issue and the protest, check out the New Haven Independent's coverage of what happened yesterday.


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