Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - By Unknown - No comments

SideClick Of The Month

Over the last week we have become acquainted with the inner workings of Buffalo, New York. Through clickets, blog posts and emails from interested residents interested in how they can be the second city to implement seeclickfix we are starting to see how the sideclick program can spread the clicking and fixing.

Our first SideClick in Buffalo is David Torte who embedded the widget in his blog and gave Buffalo their first introduction to seeclickfix. Since David has done this, a few other blogs have picked up the widget or written about seeclickfix, some tickets have been entered and discussions about the potential of seeclickfix in Buffalo has begun. Some are skeptical that seeclickfix is just another way to complain without any goal of resolution, but those like David are starting to understand how seeclickfix can create a network of reporters and fixers alike dedicated to efficiently restoring and maintaining their home base.

From U.I. Feedback, to reporting tickets, to getting the word out by contacting press and friends David exemplifies what we need in SideClicks.

Buffalo is Rising...you let us know if your city is next!


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