With any new project it can be hard at times to communicate how and why something can and will be useful. Tonight I had the pleasure of reading two articles written by authors who seemed to grasp how SeeClickFix can empower citizens, support governments and help bring all interested parties to the table. Both articles, I think, came out of our recent upswing in San Francisco buzz following on the heels of our Chronicle article.
The first was from a local neighborhood advocacy site www.RinconHillSF.org.
The general idea is that if you see a non-emergency issue in Rincon Hill or another neighborhood, you can go to SeeClickFix to open a ticket describing the issue and what can be done to resolve it, and then take responsibility by watching an area and solving the problem or passing it on to someone who can, such as a city official. Instead of just being spectators and shaking your head in disgust at this and that while walking around the neighborhood, you can make a difference. You can step up to the plate to try to get the issue resolved rather than continuing to allow it to go ignored. (full article)This echos my own experience of being a clicker. After several weeks of reporting issues and seeing them fixed, I've noticed that I'm now more likely to pick up small pieces of litter to keep things clean. I really feel like I have more of a stake in my own city now.
The second article was written up by Thrilllist SF. They point out in their own humorous style the success we have had in bringing more then just governments to the table.
SCF also hassles private industry into monitoring the footprint it leaves on the cityscape, as when AT&T used it to relocate and wipe down huge eyesore cable boxes -- proving that not even multinational telecommunications giants are Above the Law. (full article)I'm really enjoying that people see our site as a place and a way to create more good in the world. Keep it up guys. I'm stoked, thank you.